by Cynthia J. Dienstag, Esq. | Sep 24, 2019 | Co-Parenting
The elevated rates of divorce in the US means that blended family or namely step-families, are becoming a much more common occurrence in households all over the country. The Good Therapy estimates that nearly 66% of second marriages involve children from a previous...
by Cynthia J. Dienstag, Esq. | Aug 20, 2019 | Divorce
Sometimes divorce proceedings can move swiftly through the courts and end amicably while other times, they can be a messy, drawn-out process that seems like it will never end. Regardless of when or how a marriage ends, once everything is finalized, the last thing you...
by Cynthia J. Dienstag, Esq. | Aug 5, 2019 | Divorce, Uncategorized
Did That Money Your In-Laws Gifted You In Marriage, Turn Into a Loan In Divorce? Was there a documented Family Loan Agreement? In today’s economy, as the cost of living increases and housing costs rise faster than income, family members are stepping in to help...
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