Florida Parenting Plan

Florida Parenting Plan: Divorce is a legal process that separates the parents into distinct legal entities. Children must be considered in this process, for their own sake, as well as for the rights of each parent. A Parenting Plan is a legal document, filed with the court that lays out most of the details concerning the children. The idea behind the Parenting Plan is two-fold. First, that the care and wellbeing of the children aren’t left to chance, and second, that the rights of each parent are protected. This document creates the schedule each parent has with the children, how decision-making responsibility is divided and many other details that are established for the wellbeing of the children.

Expenses and Child Support

The expense of raising children and Child Support is always at the heart of the Parenting Plan. Children take money, and the burden of providing for them is often a bone of contention between the parents. Although the state of Florida has made Child Support mandatory, there are factors that the court considers.


One of the most essential items covered in the Parenting Plan is the schedule of visitation. This can be customized to accommodate the many factors that need to be considered. Some schedules are set out so that the children are with one parent during the school week and the other parent on weekends, holidays, and summer. Other schedules might be set out differently for different children in the family, considering the age of each child and other interest they may have, such as sports.

Decision Making

Many decisions directly affect children, such as what school they will attend and what religion they will be exposed to. The Parenting Plan can specify one patent to make the decisions or can require both parents to agree on these decisions.

There are so many factors that can mold a Parenting Plan and give one parent more control over the children than the other. Generally, who ever has the children more, can make more day to day decisions, but that does not necessarily need to be the case.

Health Care

A significant consideration in the Parenting Plan is who will provide medical insurance, life insurance, and make medical decisions for the children. Not every parent has access to affordable health care, and even if they do, rarely does insurance cover the full cost of treatment. The Parenting Plan can address some of these issues, in advance of problems.

Children with Special Needs have additional considerations that must be addressed in the Florida Parenting Plan. These include Medicaid coverage, the Individualized Education Program (IEP), home health care nurses or therapists. The unique circumstances these children are in, might require them having a very different plan from their siblings.


Communication between parents and children can also be described in the Parenting Plan. If one parent doesn’t live close enough to have regular visitation or time-sharing with the children, time can be arranged for video chatting or phone calls.

There might also be reasons for communication with one parent, or even grandparents should be limited.  Some parents are divisive and use every opportunity to disrespect the other parent or even belittle the children. This creates an unhealthy situation that children should not have to endure.

A Florida Parenting Plan is a roadmap to the future relationship’s parents will have with their children. This document to too important to be left to chance or random responses. Working with an experienced attorney can help you make informed, well-reasoned decisions. Even with the best of intentions, situations can change over time, and Parenting Plans need to be updated and rewritten.